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The Relationship Between Humans and the Natural Environment

The Relationship Between Humans and the Natural Environment

The Relationship Between Humans and the Natural Environment – How do humans relate to the natural environment? What should it be? Let’s find out together!

Humans live in a natural environment. The relationship between humans and the natural environment is mutually beneficial. The natural environment provides a place to live for humans and resources that are very useful to meet the needs of life. Meanwhile, humans cultivate resources and preserve the natural environment for mutually beneficial long-term life.

The relationship between humans and the natural environment is mutually influencing. Human activities in the environment greatly affect the state and sustainability of the environment.

If humans cultivate and take natural resources unwisely, it can damage the environment. A damaged environment will certainly have a negative impact on human life. For example, there are floods, droughts, landslides, and fewer natural resources. Therefore, human activities in processing the natural environment must pay attention to environmental sustainability.

The relationship or interaction between humans and the natural environment can be grouped into two, namely interactions that adapt to nature and interactions that dominate nature.

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Adaptable interactions with nature

Human interaction adapting to nature is all human efforts to adapt to nature. For example, humans adjust planting time to the rainy season, time to sail according to weather conditions, and avoid living in areas prone to natural disasters.

The interactions that dominate nature

Human interaction that dominates nature is a human effort to change nature, so that it is in accordance with what is desired. As we know, by using science and technology, humans can change nature. For example, humans are able to modify the weather by developing artificial rain technology to increase agricultural yields.

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From the above reading, the conclusion is that humans should live in harmony with nature. If we really have to “dominate” nature, then it should be done wisely and with careful consideration.