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Foxface Rabbitfish Care 101: A Complete Guide for Tank Setup, Feeding, and Maintenance

Foxface Rabbitfish care

Foxface Rabbitfish Care 101: A Complete Guide for Tank Setup, Feeding, and Maintenance – The Foxface rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus), also known as the Foxface Lo, is a popular and hardy species of saltwater fish that is well-suited for both beginner and experienced aquarists. With its striking orange and white coloration and unique, rabbit-like appearance, the Foxface rabbitfish adds both beauty and personality to any reef tank.

Found in the tropical waters of the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean, the Foxface rabbitfish is a herbivorous species that is known for its peaceful nature and ease of care. They grow up to 10 inches in length, and can live up to 10 years in captivity with proper care.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about setting up, feeding, and maintaining a healthy Foxface rabbitfish in your home aquarium. Whether you’re just getting started with saltwater fishkeeping or you’re looking to add a new species to your tank, this guide is the perfect resource for learning about the Foxface rabbitfish and how to care for them.

Size and Appearance

Foxface rabbitfish are a marine fish species that are known for their distinctive appearance. They have a laterally compressed body shape, which means they are taller than they are wide.

They have a bright yellow coloration with a white belly and a dark face that gives them their common name “Foxface.” They also have a dark spot on the middle of their back that is often used to differentiate between male and female fish.

They have a large dorsal fin and a fan-like tail fin. The dorsal fin has long and venomous spines that make them interesting and unique. Adult Foxface rabbitfish can reach a size of up to 10 inches in length.


Foxface rabbitfish are generally peaceful and easy to care for. They are active swimmers and tend to be out and about during the day, but they can also be found hiding in crevices and caves. They are known to be shy and retreat when they feel threatened. They are also known to be a great addition to a reef tank as they are known to be herbivores and help control the growth of algae in the tank.

They can be kept with other fish species, but it’s important to make sure that they are compatible and that they are not too aggressive towards the Foxface rabbitfish.

It’s important to note that Foxface rabbitfish can be prone to jumping out of the tank if the water level is too low or if the tank is not properly covered. They also have venomous dorsal spines so be careful when handling them.

Overall, Foxface rabbitfish are a hardy and disease-resistant species that can make a great addition to a marine aquarium. They are interesting, and unique, and can be a beautiful addition to any marine tank.

Tank Requirements

Tank Requirements for Foxface rabbitfish:

Minimum Tank Size

The minimum tank size recommended for a single Foxface rabbitfish care is 75 gallons. However, it’s important to note that a larger tank is always better to ensure the fish has enough swimming space and room to explore.

Foxface rabbitfish are active swimmers and need a tank that can accommodate their movement. The larger the tank, the better the water quality will be, and the more stable the environment will be.

It’s also important to note that Foxface rabbitfish are known to be jumpers, so it’s essential to have a tight-fitting lid to prevent them from escaping the tank. If you’re keeping multiple Foxface rabbitfish together, a larger tank will be necessary to provide enough space for all of them to coexist peacefully.

Water Parameters

The Foxface rabbitfish prefer water parameters within a specific range to thrive in captivity. It is essential to maintain consistent water parameters and to perform regular water tests to ensure the tank stays within the recommended range.

The following are the ideal water parameters for Foxface rabbitfish:

  • Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Specific Gravity: 1.022-1.025

It’s important to note that sudden changes in water parameters can be harmful to the Foxface rabbitfish, so it’s important to acclimate them slowly to any changes in the tank. It’s also important to use a high-quality protein skimmer and to perform regular water changes to maintain good water quality.

It’s also important to note that Foxface rabbitfish are sensitive to copper-based medication, so it’s best to use alternative treatments if necessary. Copper-based medication can be toxic to them and can cause serious health problems.

Tank Setup

A proper tank setup is crucial for the well-being of Foxface rabbitfish. Here are some recommended guidelines for setting up a tank for Foxface rabbitfish:

Live rock

Foxface rabbitfish are known to be reef safe, and as such, they can be kept with live rocks and coral. Live rocks provide natural hiding places and a natural environment for the fish. They also serve as a natural filtration system and can help to stabilize the water parameters.

Sand substrate

A sandy substrate is recommended for Foxface rabbitfish as they are known to bury themselves in the sand during the night. A depth of 2-3 inches is sufficient.

Hiding places

Foxface rabbitfish require plenty of hiding places in the tank. This can be achieved by using live rocks to create caves and overhangs or by adding PVC pipes or ceramic caves to the tank.

Swimming space

Foxface rabbitfish are active swimmers and need a tank that can accommodate their movement. They should have enough swimming space to move around comfortably.


Foxface rabbitfish do not require specific lighting, but it’s recommended to provide moderate lighting as they are used to living in well-lit coral reef environments.


Foxface rabbitfish are known to be peaceful and are compatible with other fish and invertebrates. They can be kept with a wide variety of fish species, including other peaceful fish such as tangs, angelfish, and wrasses. They can also be kept with invertebrates such as shrimp, snails, and starfish.

However, it is important to avoid keeping Foxface rabbitfish with aggressive or territorial fish species, as they may become stressed and may not thrive in the tank. They may also be bullied or harassed by more aggressive tankmates, which can lead to health problems.

Overall, compatibility is an important aspect of Foxface rabbitfish care and it’s essential to research the specific species you plan to keep with them to ensure a peaceful and harmonious tank environment.


Foxface rabbitfish are known to be herbivores and they require a diet that is high in vegetable matter. They will generally eat a variety of different foods, including algae, seaweed, and spirulina. They can be fed with a variety of commercial herbivore diets such as flakes, pellets, and frozen foods.

It is important to provide a varied diet to ensure that Foxface rabbitfish receive all the necessary nutrients. They should be fed 2-3 times a day with small amounts of food at each feeding. It’s also important to observe the fish’s feeding habits and adjust the feeding schedule and amount accordingly to ensure that they are eating enough, but not overfeeding.

It’s also important to note that Foxface rabbitfish are known to be picky eaters, so it may take some time to find a food that they will accept. It’s best to offer a variety of different foods and observe which ones they prefer.

It is also important to supplement their diet with dried seaweed or nori. This can be attached to a veggie clip or placed on the tank glass with a feeding tong.

In addition, it is important to make sure that Foxface rabbitfish have access to natural algae or have a refugium set up to grow natural algae for them to graze on. This will help keep them healthy and satisfied.

In summary, Foxface rabbitfish are known to be herbivores and require a diet that is high in vegetable matter, a variety of commercial herbivore diets, dried seaweed or nori, and access to natural algae or a refugium set up to grow natural algae.

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Health and Maintenance

Maintaining the health of Foxface rabbitfish requires proper tank conditions, a balanced diet, and regular maintenance of the tank. Here are some tips for keeping Foxface rabbitfish healthy:

Water quality

It is essential to maintain good water quality by performing regular water changes and testing the water parameters. Foxface rabbitfish are sensitive to poor water quality and can become ill if the water is not kept clean and well-maintained.

Tank cleaning

Regular tank cleaning is an important aspect of Foxface rabbitfish care as it helps to remove debris and uneaten food that can decompose and affect water quality. Here are some tips for cleaning a Foxface rabbitfish tank:


The substrate should be cleaned regularly to remove any debris or detritus that has accumulated on the bottom of the tank. This can be done by using a gravel vacuum or a siphon.


Algae should be removed from the tank walls and decorations regularly. This can be done by using an algae scraper or magnetic algae cleaner.


The filters should be cleaned or replaced regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly. This includes cleaning the mechanical and biological filter media.

Water changes

Regular water changes are important for maintaining water quality. The water should be changed every 2-4 weeks, depending on the load of the tank. A water change of about 20-25% of the tank volume is recommended.

Additional tank equipment

Lighting fixtures, heater, thermometer, and protein skimmer should be checked and cleaned regularly to ensure they are functioning properly.

It’s important to stick to a regular cleaning schedule to maintain the health of Foxface rabbitfish and the overall health of the tank. It’s also important to be gentle when cleaning the tank to avoid disturbing the Foxface rabbitfish and other inhabitants of the tank.


Quarantine is an important step in Foxface rabbitfish care, as it helps to ensure that new fish are healthy and free of disease before introducing them to the main tank. Here are some tips for quarantining Foxface rabbitfish:

Set up a quarantine tank

A quarantine tank should be set up before introducing new fish to the main tank. This can be a small tank or even a large container with a lid.

Water conditions

The water conditions in the quarantine tank should be similar to those in the main tank. This includes temperature, pH, and specific gravity.

Observe the fish

New fish should be observed for at least 2-4 weeks in the quarantine tank to ensure that they are healthy and free of disease. This includes observing their behavior, and appetite and checking for any signs of illness such as abnormal swimming, lethargy, spots, or any other abnormalities.

Treat if necessary

If any signs of disease are observed, the fish should be treated immediately with a suitable medication. It’s important to use a medication that is safe for Foxface rabbitfish, as they can be sensitive to certain medications.


It’s important to keep new fish isolated from the main tank until they have been cleared of any disease and have been deemed healthy.

By quarantining new fish before introducing them to the main tank, you can reduce the risk of introducing diseases or parasites to your existing fish population. This will help to ensure the overall health and well-being of your Foxface rabbitfish and other tank inhabitants.


Foxface rabbitfish are generally hardy and disease-resistant, but they can still be prone to certain diseases if their water conditions are not maintained properly or if they are stressed. Here are some common diseases that Foxface rabbitfish may be susceptible to and how to prevent them:


Ich is a common parasitic disease that is characterized by small white spots on the fish’s body. It can be treated with a suitable medication, such as copper sulfate.

Marine Velvet

Marine velvet is a parasitic infection that causes a velvet-like appearance on the fish’s body. It can be treated with a suitable medication, such as formalin or copper sulfate.

Fin Rot

Fin rot is a bacterial infection that causes the fins to become frayed and ragged. It can be treated with a suitable antibiotic, such as erythromycin or kanamycin.

To prevent disease, it is important to maintain proper water conditions, such as appropriate temperature, pH, and specific gravity. Additionally, proper tank maintenance and quarantine of new fish can help to prevent the spread of disease. If you suspect that your Foxface rabbitfish is showing signs of illness, it’s important to consult a veterinarian or a fish expert for the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Regular observation of Foxface rabbitfish is important to detect any signs of illness early on, so you can take appropriate action to prevent the spread of the disease and minimize any stress to the fish.

Foxface rabbitfish may be prone to parasitic infections such as marine ich. It’s important to be aware of the signs of parasite infestation and to treat them promptly with suitable treatment.


When treating Foxface rabbitfish for disease, it is important to use medications that are safe for marine fish. Some common medications used to treat marine fish diseases include:

Copper Sulfate

Copper sulfate is commonly used to treat parasitic diseases such as Ich and Marine Velvet. It is important to use the correct dosage and to monitor the copper levels in the tank to ensure they stay within safe limits.


Formalin is an antimicrobial and antiparasitic medication that is commonly used to treat marine fish diseases. It is important to use the correct dosage and to make sure that the tank has adequate aeration during treatment.


Antibiotics such as erythromycin and kanamycin can be used to treat bacterial infections such as fin rot. It is important to use the correct dosage and to make sure that the tank has adequate aeration during treatment.


It’s important to keep new fish isolated from the main tank until they have been cleared of any disease and have been deemed healthy.

It’s important to note that not all medications are safe for all types of fish and some medications can be harmful if misused or overused, so it’s important to consult a veterinarian or a fish expert before administering any medication. It’s also important to follow the instructions on the medication carefully and to make sure that the tank has adequate aeration during treatment to avoid any harm to the fish.

Regular observation of Foxface rabbitfish is important to detect any signs of illness early on, so you can take appropriate action to prevent the spread of the disease and minimize any stress to the fish.

Overall, regular maintenance, proper diet, and attention to water quality and tank conditions will help to keep Foxface rabbitfish healthy and thriving. It’s important to be aware of the signs of disease and to seek veterinary treatment if necessary.

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In conclusion, Foxface rabbitfish are a hardy and disease-resistant species that can make a great addition to a marine aquarium.

However, it’s important to provide them with proper care to ensure their health and well-being. This includes maintaining appropriate tank requirements, such as a minimum tank size of at least 55 gallons, and appropriate water parameters such as temperature, pH, and specific gravity.

Proper tank setup, compatibility with other tank mates, and proper feeding are also crucial for the health of Foxface rabbitfish.

Regular observation and maintenance, including water quality testing and cleaning, can help to prevent the spread of disease.

And last but not least, quarantine of new fish can help to prevent the spread of disease. With proper care and maintenance, Foxface rabbitfish can thrive and make a beautiful and interesting addition to any marine aquarium.